Words: Mommy, daddy, kiiiy (kitty-he can't pronounce the T's yet), OHHH GGGGod! (He gets this from me; when he scares me, that's what slips out.), goggy (doggy), car, tru (truck), bye.
He wheels around his highchair all over the place, along with his "Cars" tow truck. He likes to put different things under the seat, like food, washcloths, wrappers, misc. toys, etc. He is now learning how to go up the stairs by holding on the railing vs. on his belly. He LOVES to turn on and off the lights. I say, "LIGHT ON!" and "LIGHT OFF." He gets so tickled! He enjoys going downstairs to see the Kiii's and has me put him on Mimi's bed so he can lay on them like he does with Marley. The kiiiys don't really tolerate it very well! ha ha! He has been putting things on his head like the Easter basket, shirts, towels, his clothes, bathroom trash baskets and walks around and runs into things, it's quite funny! He gets in and out of his toy box and takes out everything and then puts it back in again. This lasts for hours...

His favorite #1's are: mommy and mimi's hairbrushes, his School Bus, Batman 4 wheeler, the phone and remote control. Although he has his own, he wants the real ones! Spongebob Squarepants song! When he firsts hears the song start, he looks for Rob and I to start singing. It's fun!

Recently, he has started to dance. He puts his legs together and bends his knees. I tell him "Shake your tail feather" and he just goes to town! The cutest thing he has done is this face. He puts his shoulders up to his ears and cheeses like no other! His little 2 teeth on the bottom show and the 4 on top. He's SUCH a ham!

A little while ago, Mimi was watching him and taught him lots of things, which to this day he remembers. We say, "Braeden, where are your eyes?" he points to them. He knows where is mouth, nose, toes, ears, and he points to his fingers. So smart! Thanks, Mimi! I'm teaching him his knees and elbows right now.
When he has something in his hand that he's not supposed to (which happens often-ha!), I say, "I'm a gonna get you!" and start to run after him. He turns around, laughing, drops whatever he has and runs for it! It's SO funny!
I love watching his face light up when Daddy and Mimi come home. He gives them BIG hugs! How can you not love this?? He also loves his Grammy!!
My #1 is and has been since he was born: He HAS to play with your hair when he's drinking a bottle. I am a sucker for playing with my hair, and he does it so soft (sometimes... when there's no knots in it or not wet-ha!), so relaxing to me. I LOVE IT! He could do that all day long!
In a previous post of what Braeden does and is so frustrating (but it still IS cute), I have to elaborate on them a little bit.
Braeden can NOT stay out of Marley's water dish to save my life! He puts all of his toys in there, yes, including the ones with batteries! Which is why Elmo can't speak right now!

He stands on the dishwasher door, climbs on the chairs, sofas, coffee table, and then stands up!, turns on the bathtub faucet over and over again after it's been shut off by mommy, he pulls the shades shut, reopens them, pulls them up and down. I finally had to raise them to where he can't reach them, along with the cords. He pulls out the magazines and tears them up. I haven't read them yet, and they are so wrinkled and tore by the time he's "finished" with them. He can reach into the kitchen drawers now, which scares me because our silverware is in there, but mostly he gets out the dishtowels and stove mitts. Rob's sock drawer....I have given up, I just let him do it now. He takes them ALL out, and puts them in the drawer below. It makes such a mess, but keeps him busy for a long time! I have learned to keep closet doors shut. Because if I don't, Braeden will get out all your shoes!
Whew! I think that about covers it for now! I LOVE watching him grow and am blessed to be able to stay at home with him and catch all his new learnings!
first of all... i haven't been reading blogs lately, so i missed your haircut. and i have to say... REALLY CUTE HAIRCUT!!!
ReplyDeletenascar looks like it was a blast. how fun.
and last, i LOVE the photo of braeden laughing with his hands in his mouth. SO ADORABLE!
i hope you are doing so great.