Braeden had grown alot since the last visit, one year ago. Last year, he was crawling, barely standing. Now, he's talking, climbing, running, has a mind of his own to say the least. Oh yes, and he has reached the 'terrible twos' early. So, it was an adjustment for them to get used to his biting, kicking, slapping, and temper tantrums! Fun was had by all!
Rob drove to St. Louis a few hours away to meet up with an old friend to go to a concert. He stayed a couple of days. He had a good time!

And, we just hung out with my mom and Kenny. I made them a recipe that I got from one of my best friends years ago. It was nice to cook something for my mom and Kenny. Kenny does all the cooking and they had never had this. They loved it!
One of my friends, Christy, drove to meet us and brought her two girls. I hadn't seen her in 3 years! I have alot of respect for this friend for many reasons. She has a heart of gold and is a wonderful mother, aunt, and friend. Thanks for meeting us, Christy! I love you!

I drove Rob around the 'big' town that I grew up in. It took about 10 minutes to show him where I lived, went to school, and where my Grandparents rest. I put flowers on their grave. I sure do miss them and wish they could meet my baby boy. I HAD to go and see my old neighbor, Becky, her new husband, 2 kids and new grandbaby. Becky was my second mom. Ever since they moved in across the street, I was over at their house more than my own. They adopted me. ha ha! I love this family so much and have so many great memories with them!

Then, one night we drove to meet some more of my friends who could make it. Thanks everyone for coming! It was great to see you! Here is one of my old co-worker, James. Braeden loves him! Wendy, Angela, Shelli-all in my wedding. And, Elizabeth.

Braeden was an angel on both flights, thank you God, and thank you Motrin! LOL!
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