Friday night, we had a bbq. Our friends Matt and Jess came over, and our neighbor. It was alot of fun! Saturday, July 4th, we contemplated going to DC or hanging around here. We really wanted to take them since they were here and all. However, it is a big, exhausting day spending down in DC on the 4th with a million people. We went last year and was down there all day, lots of walking, and sweating, yuck! About 5:30 we headed down there. Arista watched Braeden and we didn't run into any traffic, which was unbelievable! We sat at the mall, and enjoyed the amazing fireworks! On the way back, we got a hot dog-a must! On Sunday, we took them to Tim's River Shore, a great seafood shack on the Potomac. We all had shrimp, crab legs, and hush puppies! Here are some pics from the weekend.
Rob and I got Braeden this pool. I set it up. He has been in it several times, but the water is pretty cold. But, he loves the water pouring down from the top!

Braeden and I met up with my friend, Stephanie (who lives here now and I actually worked with her for several years in KS, isn't that crazy?). At her sub division, they have 3 beaches. She took us there with her 3 kids and Braeden had a blast playing in the sand and in the water. Last year, we had this blow up boat and I felt very comfortable with him in it. This year, he wants nothing to do with it! ugh! He scares me with wanting to be independent! He's too small still! :)

So, I bought some (3) books to help me teach/deal with Braeden's terrible twos. He's pretty good overall, but we don't want him to be 'that child.' I have learned some easy tips that I am putting to test right now.
Here are a few pics of Braeden at a local pool with a very fun baby pool with a slide! This was his first time going down one in the pool. He LOVED it! And, couldn't get him to anything but the slide.

So, I come home from the pool, to find a few small pieces of foil and crumbs on the floor. It took me a few minutes to realize what this was. Marley at a whole loaf of home-made bread ....along with the foil that was in it! UGH! That's gonna hurt coming out!
We went out to dinner with Linda. She has been spending day and night at the hospital with her sisters for the last 2.5 weeks. One of their sisters have been in ICU. They are not sure what is wrong with her, still. The Dr.s have run every test possible and they all come back negative. One day, she just started getting confused and is now (and has been) talking 'crazy talk' with cussing, and like a 3-4 year old. Very concerning. So, we haven't seen much of her. It was a good time and he loves his Grammy.

The tank hood is coming along very well! Rob and our neighbor got this all done in one day, not bad! We are still very anxious to get it done! With our busy schedule, we are hoping it will be complete and ready for the sand and water next month.

Lastly, we got our trips booked to VA Beach, Vegas, and Jamaica! Whoo hoo!
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