My little baby is not a baby anymore. He's got a mouth full of TEETH now! Where did they come from?! No more 4 on top and 2 on bottom! It is hard to realize this some days. He doesn't need me to help him as much. His new thing are cars and trucks. This is all he wants to play with. He has an array of toys, but these are the ones he gets out of his toy box several times a day, everyday. He lines them all up in a row, moves them, then lines them up again. Right now, I am looking them all scattered around the living room. He thinks anything with wheels is a car. Even though I try and correct him that it is a tractor, or a bus, or a train, or a truck. He can only say car right now, so I believe this is why he thinks that. :)
He's done some really cute things and wanted to share. The other night, he was sitting on his daddy's lap. He pulled up Rob's shirt, pointed at his tummy, and said, "BABY"!!!! It was so hysterical, we both laughed so hard. Which of course made Braeden keep doing it. LOL Honestly, not sure where he got this.
I taught him the word 'hot'. So, he knows that if his food is hot, we needs to blow on it first. He knows the stove is hot, the outdoor grill is hot, and whatever else. Anyways, we were over at Linda's a while ago. I was watering her dying flowers and pulling weeds. Braeden came out bare foot. He said, "HOT!" And, started blowing on the grass. HOW FUNNY !!
Mimi and I have taught him his body parts. However, he still thinks that when I ask him where his elbow is, he goes and runs to get his Elmo doll. Sweet. Rob, has taught him where his wiener is. So, that is our funny part that we all laugh at!
These are the words he is saying on a daily basis: hi, bye, bubble, car, juice (slurred), mamma, da da, hot, car, bath (baaaa), circle (gircle), liiii (light),baby, doggy (goggy), kitty, bottle, choo choo, uh-oh, bob (as in Spongebob) and now, heyyyy (in a deep voice), SO cute! The "Oh God", has turned into "Oh Shit!" The #1 is 'EHHHHH, EHHHH, EHHHH, EHHHHH!' with him pointing at something and you have to figure out what he wants. There are more, just can't think of them all.
He will put things in the trash if you ask him to, which is a nice help. He will also do a jig on the table for you, especially if you tell him to get down. Rob reminds me that he has MY personality! ha ha! I have to agree. He still thinks that the dog water bowl is a mini bath tub. I bought him some play-do. He loves it. He wants me to make 'gircles' out of it. Seems I am getting it out, putting it away and cleaning up more than he plays with it. LOL! He also loves to 'sort' through your clothes. He thinks that this goes here, this goes there, and on and on. He'll do this for an hour.
I love this child like I have never loved before. He brings me smiles everyday. He also gives me headaches, frustration, and tears of joy. He's very affectionate. At night and at nap time, after he's done with his milk, he puts both of his arms around my neck and we go to sleep. This is every night. How could you not love this?
I love you, Braeden Chase!
Love, Mommy
What a sweet post Alana!! It brought tears to my eyes!! It's amazing how quick they grow and how much THEY teach US.