When Rob was little, he used to collect rocks out of the rock beds when they would go out of town or to a restaurant. Linda told me about this last summer. I remember it clearly. We were going into Outback for dinner. Linda pulled me aside and whispered this story to me. I thought it was so cute! Of course, I had to give him a hard time about it and asked him if he wanted to pick up a rock outside of Outback. We all laughed. Every once in a while, I would still ask him if he wanted to pick one out.
Rob brought home his dad's toolbox from Linda's a few weeks ago. Since he has been so busy with work and school, he hadn't had time to go through it. On Saturday, he was out in the garage and was sorting through it all. In the bottom of the toolbox, there was a sack....a sack of all the rocks he had collected when he was little. Ron had saved them all of these years.

Rob didn't tell me about it until the next day. He brought in the sack, and showed them to me. He remembered a couple of them and what he thought they were when he was little. Braeden started playing with them. I had Rob call and tell his mom. We had her on speaker and the joy in her voice was just priceless. She didn't know Ron had kept them. I'm so glad Rob found these. It just reassures us all that Ron IS watching us. He IS here.
On another note, Rob has a picture of me in a frame on his nightstand. Linda had given Rob Ron's driver's licence and Rob put it on the corner of the picture frame. Braeden has been going over to the picture frame, getting it down, and looking at the picture of Ron. It's like he knows who he is and wants to see him. I quickly got my phone and snapped a picture of it. It's simply ...amazing and made us smile.

We can't wait until Braeden gets a little older so Linda and Rob can tell him stories of his grandpa.
We love you, Ron!
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