Rob is a researcher. I think I mentioned that before. Before he buys anything, he surfs the Internet for reviews, best prices, which is a great thing! After a couple of nights researching, he made the decision to build one to fit a 90 gallon. So, he has been working non stop every night on this cabinet. I think it's wonderful that he has found a new hobby and if it saves us money (but not in this case!), even better! Here are a couple of pictures.

My yard sale is ready to go! I have 5 large containers full of marked clothes, purses, shoes, dresses, picture frames, and a few odds and ends. I think I will do well at it. I actually enjoyed going through them. It was a bit emotional letting go of some of them. It was fun remembering when I wore this shirt, or I was with such and such this night I wore this. Thank goodness I have pictures in most of these outfits to remember my skinny-self. **SIGH** So, the sale will be in 2.5 weeks. I am going to advertise it on craigs list, put out signs in the neighborhood, and hopefully make alot of money!...maybe it will pay for this fish tank! ha ha!
I am now on book 3 of the Twilight series. It is taking me longer than I planned, but I can only read with no interruptions. So, that means, after baby and hubby are asleep. I read until my eyes won't stay open any longer. I am still really enjoying it and I think I might just read some more after this series! Who would of ever guessed? Not me! And, certainly not my mother!
As Rob is handy out in the garage, I painted our dining room. It desperately needed some color. It is 2 toned orange and I love it! I did pretty good, I must say. AND, I figured out on my own what takes paint off when you get paint on the walls, baseboards, or wherever. Fingernail polish! It worked and now I am trying to hit all the nicks on the walls. I can easily go through a gallon of this stuff for all the marks we have.

Last night, we were invited to go on a yacht with a Master Sargeant from Rob's work. It was alot of fun. I met Rob outside of Quantico, and we drove to the marina, drank a couple of beers, and ate at Tim's River Shore for all you can eat shrimp. YUM! This was the first time since Rob and I met in Noblesville in '93 where we were on a boat together. The water, the air, the waves, it was SOO nice!

Braeden got sick in the middle of the night 2 nights ago 3 different times. It came out of no where. He woke up with a 104 temp. He has never had that high of a temp, so it scared us. Linda and I took him to the dr. He was tested negative for the flu, which the Swine Flu is going around like crazy, and tested negative for strep. He is on an ear infection med and antibiotic. We were supposed to go to Toddle Time tomorrow morning, but, I think I am going to hold off for a while. Mom and Dad are a little overprotective...
I think that about covers it for now. Hope everyone is enjoying their week! I'm going to leave you with a couple of pics I took this last week. One is taken from my front steps of a full rainbow after a long day of rain. And, the other one is one of our trees in the back yard that has a heart-shaped indention in it. I find this comforting...

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