Friday, April 10, 2009

I admit, I'm addicted...

to blogging! Braeden is sleeping sound in our bed and I am enjoying this blog, now that I have it figured out! I have to share some of my favorite recent videos. They will for sure put a smile on your face, as they do mine!

The first one, is Braeden pissed off! This was taken just the other day. He was having one of his tantroms. I can't help sometimes to laugh-I can't help it!

The next one was taken in the rental car heading back to the airport from Disney, Orlando, FL 12-08.

The next one, is Braeden at the park, for the first time. He loved the swing! March 2009

He loves it when he gets "tummy time" with dad!

Linda got him a Batman 4 wheeler for his 1st Birthday. He was just getting used to it and figuring it all out. He's doing better, but is still having trouble with steering. I am now taking him outside with it on the sidewalk. AND, it goes up in the yard-it's fun!

Braeden is doing more and more funny things daily. He has a new "fetish" of shoes. Mostly, daddy's shoes. Here, he tries them on, for the first time, and for sure not the last!

1 comment:

  1. okay my friend, now THOSE were adorable. it was so strange to hear your voice on the videos since i haven't heard your voice since 4th grade. too funny.
    WAY cute videos.
