Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 'Mote'

I think 23 months is too young for 'remote control', as in controlling the remote. Don't you? Braeden has been saying 'mote' for a few weeks now. So, when the credits come up after his cartoons, he'll say 'MOTE MOTE MOTE"-meaning: "change the channel, mom! The show is over!"

For his naps and bedtime, we have gone through several changes. At first, I never had on the TV in bed while I'm trying for him to go to sleep. About a couple of months ago, he was bored of that, I guess. So, I turned on his favorite, Spongebob Squarepants and after a short while, he would fall asleep. So, we have been in that routine since.

I started hiding the remote when he wasn't looking under the covers. Of course, if he wanted me to change the channel, I would. :) High maintenance child, I know. Anyways, every night when we go to bed, it's just him and I. Rob is doing school work, or working on the fish tank, or something.

So, last night, Rob was actually was with us when I was trying to get Braeden to sleep. We had on his cartoons. Braeden is in the middle of us. Braeden picks up the remote, and throws it under the covers!-and so nonchalantly! I about fell off the bed in laughter because I have been thinking all this time that he never saw me! I told Rob about me always covering it up, and we both just laughed and laughed! OH BOY, do little ones catch on...even if you don't realize it!


1 comment:

  1. that is hysterical. :)

    they totally catch on. they watch everything we do. :) this posting goes perfectly with mine today... the video.

    cute kid.

    love ya.
