Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, OUCH!!

I wasn't feeling so good on my Birthday, so we didn't do anything. Not a big deal, since birthdays aren't what they used to be-full of parties, etc. That night, I started to get this pain in my ears that was like no other. I have never had an ear infection, that I can recall. The next day, I called in to the Dr. and got myself an appointment. He said it looked like an infection, but since he wasn't an ENT, all he could do was refer me to one and give me a prescription for Vikatin and ear drops. I was in SOOOO much pain, I was about in tears. I went upstairs to the OB and make sure it was okay to take this pain medication being pregnant. They said it was okay--thank God!
The next day, the meds didn't work and Rob was off work. I had him call and get me into the ENT that day. My ear canals were swollen shut so the ear drops weren't going in. The Dr. had to put in wicks in each ear so they would open up and allow the medicine to get to the infection. The best description of this was that it was worse than child birth. This whole experience. It was awful.
I was really sick with the pregnancy this day and had gotten sick 4 times already. I rushed out of the room after he put one in and got sick again. Braeden and Rob heard me yelling. It was HORRIBLE. He put the other wick in. I have NEVER been in so much pain as this double ear infection. I don't wish it on anyone!
Well, 2 weeks later, I can now hear and doing much better! My birthday was postponed and have yet to figure a date out to reschedule. Happy 33rd Birthday to me! :)


  1. oh you poor thing. sorry i haven't read this yet. i have not been keeping up on blogs like i should be.

    glad you are feeling better.
    happy birtday... again.

  2. ummm... where have you been? :)
